Framework for Cloud Applications
Enhancing the portability of cloud-based applications
This project was developed in the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria withing the PIACERE European H2020 project which focuses on the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach through the DevSecOps philosophy by making more accessible to designers, developers, and operators the creation of infrastructural code. It provides a solution based on an integrated framework for the entire DevSecOps teams which goes end-to-end, from the specification of qualitative requirements (infrastructural, security, networking) to the deployment execution, monitoring, and optimization. A full description of this project can be found on the digital repository of the Politecnico di Milano.
The cloud infrastructure requires management and configuration to offer a service. This task was usually associated with system operators, but a software named Infrastructure as Code (IaC), which automates the creation, management, and configuration of full virtual infrastructures, filled the gap between developers and operators.
This project aims at providing a framework to enhance the creation of infrastructural code by means of abstract layers that hide the complexities and specificities of a given configuration. The abstraction of the specification for a cloud provider enables the portability of the entire infrastructure to a different cloud provider without modifying the source code.
This project delivers a new Domain-specific Language (DSL) built on top of the TOSCA (Topology Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) standard along with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that translates the code to several existing IaC tools such as Terraform and Cloudify.
The framework provided guides the user through the creation of infrastructural code through suggestions and validations. The creation of infrastructural code approach is based on model-driven engineering by defining nodes and relationships among the components of the infrastructure through the DSL provided.