Engineering Project Management
Engineering Project Management on the Cloud
Some companies use software engineering project management systems, but for those whose product is not software, these systems are too complex. On the other hand, Excel sheets have been used to keep track of these accounts, but as the number of participants, projects, data sources and other elements grows, these sheets become insufficient.
Thus, the main goal of this project is to build a web application that stores and manages the information of hours that the personnel of a company, department or work unit, dedicates to the projects or activities that it carries out.
The web application is capable of collecting information from various sources, either by manual input (forms), in batches (Excel sheets), or by interconnection with other distributed applications. It also serves to validate the information allowing various types of checks on dates, efforts, duration of activities, etc. In addition, it allows to obtain information about the cost of carrying out activities, and can operate as a project planning tool, by allowing the execution of project execution scenarios under certain conditions.
There are several types of users who will interact with the application, from the workers who write down their hours on one or another project, the manager of each project who plans its execution or generates reports on one in particular, or the Human Resources section that analyzes the performance of each worker or each group. For all this, interconnection with calendars, attendance control, etc. is included.